I hear it coming in the sounds of the birds...flirting with and calling to each other. "I have made a nest for you and our little ones to come." ...I imagine them saying.
I have my ear tuned to the sound of the spring peepers.
Yes, I can feel it, spring is on it's way. I see signs everywhere...little red buds appearing on the Maple trees.
Daffodils pushing their little heads up through the soil.The Hyacinths pushing the soil aside and saying "Hello world here I am!!!" Soon their fragrance will delight all passers by. I will buy pots of them to bring home, as they are my Husband's favorite spring flower.
The other day I noticed a most interesting nest in a parking lot tree.
The bird who made this nest is like a Mixed Media Artist. Look at the use of plastic bags and nylon rope so artistically placed.
....And here just a bit of green and a dark blue ribbon. This nest, I imagine, would fit a bird the size of a Robin...I wish I knew what kind of bird made this masterpiece. I must say, I was rather impressed.
I know that the reality of spring is different for my friends in other parts of the world...and that my Australian friends are looking forward to Autumn.
Tell me how is Spring or Autumn in your area?