There you are.....we have been waiting for you...Welcome!!! Have some goodies, tea or would you prefer coffee.
I promised to tell you why I moved. In September of 2005 my new website was up and running. Brian (my son) who is a Multi Media designer, designed and manages my web site.
A month later I started my blog Leikur og List so that I could count down to Christmas by sharing the story of the Jolasveinar and their antics. I felt I needed a couple of months to get my feet wet.
I felt like Alice, falling down the Rabbit was a whole new world that totally captivated me.
I discovered that by clicking on a name, in your side bar, I would enter yet another new world. I spent many an evening and into the night, clicking away, reading and delighting in wonderful words, images and art.
After some time I finally found courage and made comments on your site and you made comments on my site and one thing led to another. I have met several of you in person...that has been a wonderful experience.
Because of all this interaction and the fact that I could share with you my art and that I had a response from you...had me over the moon...I understand that those that do not like my art would not comment on it... but all the same, I do love’s an ego thing and what keeps me creating my art.
I love the web site that my Brian designed and now I have the best of both worlds. His original design from my web site and a new TypePad blog.
I promised that I would explain the name Leikur og List. The translation of Leikur og List is: Play and Art I got the idea for my blog name, from one of my favorite Icelandic sayings: ÞAÐ VERÐUR HVERJUM AÐ LIST SEM HANN LEIKUR.
Translation: Practice makes perfect....I know, I know a lot of words. I felt at the time that I needed a lot of practice to learn how to use a blog. HTML and all that...I still need a lot of practice...perfection eludes me.
Be an Angel and look around. Here on the right is my e-mail and my favorite places to visit...there are many more to come...still working on adding favorites.
On the left is a calendar...just for fun and to remind me to post more often.
Archives, Categories and my Photo Albums...some of the photos are from my web site and then there are some new ones. As time goes on I will be adding more albums on this and that...I am still on a learning curve on how to name and arrange albums...I need to read up some more on that. Perhaps I will even ask for help from be prepared....have another chocolate.
I hear that bribes work...then knowing you, you will most likely do it from the goodness of your heart.
Did you have fun? I hope you will visit often and leave me a comment...I love comments :)
Photos: My dining room table ready for you.
A prototype of an Angel I made for everyone on my card list in 2001.
My dining room table again...chocolates are from Iceland, Denmark, France and the US ...they are now under lock and key due to a New Years Resolution.