There is, to me, something magical about an overnight snow storm. One wakes up in the morning to Snow Magic...Especially when the sun is shining and the wind blows the fluffy snow making it look like diamonds falling from the sky.
The first thing I do is open the front door to smell the air and to take a picture of my 'Snow Cake' that forms on the bird bath.
I look to see who is at the bird feeder and saw this little guy the beautiful Blue Bird. I am blessed with him and his familie's presence every year around this time.
Then I go back inside and run from window to window to check on my girls. I look out the guest room window and there is Paloma is donning a new hat...she does that with every snow storm...this one is quite stunning. Don't you think?
I look out the kitchen window and there is the little Faery with her magic wand and the snow lantern. I am besides myself with excitement.
I look to the right and there another one of my girls with a snow I think Paloma would be jealous of...good thing she can not see around the corner of the house.
She looks like she is wearing the headdress of an Icelandic costume called Skautbúningur click on this link and tell me if you agree. I see hats everywhere.
In my house it is Christmas until January 6th with Christmas music, lights and too much food that one has to Pay the Piper for in the form of a diet. In Iceland 12th night is called Þrettándinn or the on the link to read about how Iceland celebrates that night...*Hint* there is dancing around a fire...elves and much more. This is also the day that Kertasníkir.....Candle-beggar the last of the Jólasveinar leaves for the mountains. And, the day my singers along with the Jólasveinar and miscellaneous Christmas decorations get put away for another year.
Happy New Year...I hope 2014 will be a good year for you.