Do you have a place that always pleases you and you feel like it is a part of you? I have such a place, it is called Grounds For Sculpture in Hamilton, NJ.
I visit this place often. Two weekends ago, Ken and I went there with the express purpose of taking one of Susanna's of Susanna's Sketchbook, Winged Messengers to place on one of our favorite sculpture by the late Isaac Witkin. Go to see Susanna's post on this event...I will wait...but do come back I have so much to show you :}
We go there to say hello to some of our favorite ladies. I know where each one of them least I though so...then much to my surprise, the two ladies talking over the fence, had been moved. There are always surprises, new sculpture and some that have been moved or 'gasp' removed.
The landscaping is amazing. Here one could imagine being in Monet's garden in Giverny. I squint my eyes and imagine seeing the waterlilies the way he saw them when he was painting his famous Waterlily series.
If your taste is modern sculpture, they have that.
Would you like to step into a painting? How about Renoir's famous Luncheon of the Boating Party?
Or, would you rather join this party? Or select your own friends and have a simple repast of wine and bread with cheese?
Or......oops...Sorry!!! That is the employee shower.
Whether you prefer modern or traditional or would just like to see how the two go can see it here.
If you are still hungry they have a restaurant called Rat' in Wind in the Willows. It is rather expensive so you might want to dress up.
I am just assuming as I saw this lady standing not to far from Rat's...they also have very delicious food at their other, and informal restaurant... I can vouch for that as I have eaten in both places. Rat's has the better decor...beautiful decor. Someday I will show you just how beautiful.
I know this was a very long post...there is so much to see at Grounds for Sculpture. How about just coming with me when next I go there?...When will that be? When you come :}
I forgot to tell you about the babies that were born there....aaaaaaaw!!!! In the spring there is much calling and fanning of feathers...I have seen that several times...but this is the first time I have seen Peacock babies.
If you are still with me...thank you. Now go over to Susanna's Sketchbook and see where the Winged Messenger landed. I will give you just give you an other little hint.