I want to thank all of you who come to visit my blog home and for the lovely comments that you leave here and on Facebook.
Here is the story I wrote for Julie to go with the pillow that I sent her.
Dear Julie, Some of my stories are quiet true, however, this one was made up by me and my Muse just for you.
When Cloudy, was born she was ever so disappointed…you see the whole time she was a chrysalis, she fantasized about how beautiful she would be and how she would take everyone’s breath away when she fluttered past them.In reality she came out of her chrysalis rather plain...by her estimation. She is small and her wings are pale...what Cloudy did not realize is that her wings are amazing... they reflect the clouds in the sky.
To top it all off she saw her cousins mucking about in mud puddles.
looked towards the sky and said "Would it have hurt you to make me bright
and beautiful?" As she was looking up she noticed beautiful clouds and
thought to herself "I will make myself a hat that is as beautiful as the
clouds in the sky". One thing she
resolved that she would never do, was to muck about in mud puddles...she would
drink from streams and lakes.
When Cloudy donned her hat, she felt very much better and noticed that everyone
looked at her with admiration.
She tried not to let it go to her head, she acquired a humble look by casting
her eyes down when she noticed that someone was looking at her...the rest of
the time she looked wide eyed with wonder at her beautiful world.
She came to admire her cousins..."They are not so plain" she thought
"They are quite beautiful"......she was even seen joining them for a
drink in a mud puddle.
However, in her humble opinion, she was the most beautiful of them all because
of her "Cloud Hat"
I hope you will enjoy your little pillow and that when you rest your head on it you will have sweet dreams. All my love, Amma
Here is a photo of Julie and Victor's pillows just before they got packet up for their trip to Denmark.
Disclaimer: I made this butterfly piece in Jude Hill's workshop Patchwork Beasts. The butterfly is my interpretation of Jude's design, that we used in the workshop, with her blessing.
Just a friendly reminder: All the images and the story are created by me and are copyright 2013 Please do not use the images or the story without my permission. Thank you :)