The busiest place around here are the bird feeders...they are also give us much entertainment. This one is in the front of our house and we see it out our family room window.
...and this one is attached to our kitchen window.
The photo is taking though the window...we are not sure why the background is was this color before I did anything to the photo.
Your may have noticed that we are fixated on the Blue Birds that visit us from January through March. Ken (my husband) takes photos of them and they seem to pose for him. All the photos are taken through our windows that will need a good spring cleaning.
This photo, of a handsome Blue Bird in the spot light, is one of our favorites.
Then there is this one that runs a close second.
Have you had too much of this and are you feeling blue?
Would you rather have more of this?
And this kind of Blue?
And this?
I am with you. It will be coming soon enough and then we will be complaining about the heat wave.