I am thankfully getting over my turn, as my Husbands Aunt used to call it. She never would admit that she was sick, she just had a slight turn. She died three months before her 100th birthday fourteen years ago. Her generation did not find it seemly to talk about their aches and pains, I find that admirable and should adapt that custom to my life.
I had many wonderful days and a lovely surprise on my Birthday. Deirdra whose blog is Deirdra Doan and her husband's cousin came to visit me. We had a lovely lunch at one of my favorite local restaurants and then had tea and cake at my house. Deirdra brought me this lovely present. She knows that I love Elves and Nisse.
I find it so interesting how easy it is to talk with blogging friends the first time you meet them in person. We talked as if we had known each other for years, and not just met. Jennifer her husband's cousin, was also easy to talk to. She is very interesting and has a wonderful way of telling stories.
I also had a lovely visit from the Newlyweds from Denmark and did cook them the dinner that I told you about in the last post. We had a lovely time with them. We have seen them in Denmark and in Italy but always in a crowd of people, so it was nice to have them here and the four of us had a chance to get to know each other better.Kristine and Esben brought us lovely gifts and then went out shopping one day and brought back this beautiful Orchid for us and another for my parents.
It is a lovely gift to be able to spend time with new and old friends.
Speaking of gifts. Just this morning there was a package in my mail from Alette Siri Ane, who lives in Norway. I the package were Rose Beads that she made from rose pedals...she explains how she does it in this post on her blog Alette Siri Ane.
The Rose Beads have a lovely fragrance and are truly a "Rose in Winter" Thank you Alette xoxo. I met and found Alette's blog through Ulla of Ullabenulla who featured her Rose beads. I was intrigued an have enjoyed Alette's blog immensely. I am sure you will also.
So even though I had a turn :) I have also had a wonderful time and delightful gifts.
I shall be visiting you in the next few days...now that I can read again. I have missed you...no I did not abandon you for Facebook...I have not been seen there much either.